Without a doubt, hormones play a very important role in the life of every person. Their level of influence in the functioning of all the systems, organs and tissues. A special attention deserve the female sex hormones, that have an impact on the entire female reproductive system. It is also important to know what kind of hormone responds to the woman libido.

Libido is the sexual desire, passion and sexual desire. Unlike the male erection that occurs on the physiological level, the libido is generated in the psychological level. The greater part of the responsibility for the woman attraction are estrogen and is the hormone. But a small part of the responsibility it also tightens and testosterone, a male hormone, that you have found the place, and in the female body.
Libido and estrogens
With the hormone responsible for sexual desire in women is already clear. Now, however, it is worthwhile to detail stop on how all of this occurs in the body.
The representatives of the estrogens are three sexual of the hormone:
- the estrone;
- estriol;
- estradiol.
In the female body of them occur in the ovaries. The responsibility of the libido falls in Estradiol, that is to say, their level depends on the passion and the desire of women. And if this hormone is well behaved, i.e., do not deviate from the norm, a representative of the weaker sex resides in a good mood and vivacity of spirit.
The level of female hormones may not be always stable, especially during the menstrual cycle. In this period, and the libido is characterized by its variability. The peak sexual thirst falls at the time of ovulation and then it gradually disappears. This is the norm.
The second phase of the menstrual cycle is characterized by the slowing down of libido. In this period, you may receive the premenstrual syndrome, namely:
- increased irritability and kapriznost;
- depression;
- awkward to pull the abdominal pain.
- headaches;
- the sleep disturbance.
In women, enter the period of menopause, arousal and sexual desire. This is due to the large hormone of the perestroika, in which the level of estrogen decreases, and with it, and the function of the ovaries. The flora of the vagina also undergoes changes, the mucosa becomes more dry and, in consequence, the sexual relations become uncomfortable and even painful. In general, the period of the menopause has a greater impact on the state of stress of what seems at first glance. And all because of a close relationship with the hormone estrogen mood.
Estrogens are responsible for female libido, they share with their duties with progesterone, which not only is responsible for female sexuality, but also controls the menstrual cycle. With a decreased level of libido in women is also reduced. The careers of horses of progesterone depend, above all, of the menstrual cycle. When low concentration of these hormones in the female body occur some changes.

That happens if you step out of the norm?
Estrogens are not only responsible for sexual attraction. The growth of the bones, the development of the sexual organs and the formation of sex characteristics also occurs through them. Along with progesterone, they are the main drivers of pregnancy. As a result of the increase of its level, women face with overweight, intrauterine infection, the threat of abortion and the risk of developing diseases in the child. When a strong increase of the hormone levels, to exclude the presence of the entities in the pituitary gland.
In the case of the decrease of the concentration of estrogen, the woman is faced with calloused to the voice, the fast growth of hair, lack of menstruation.
The high level of hormones that manifest such signs:
- the mesh on the feet of the bright coloration;
- the violation of the heart's work;
- shortness of breath;
- the sudden weight.
If the hormones are produced in sufficient quantities, the symptomatology is the following:
- the excess of appetite;
- sudden change of hair shade more dark;
- low sexual attraction;
- the appearance of the signs characteristic sex male.
Another important figure in the control of the female libido acts the hormone by the name testosterone. This mate is considered to be the male representative, however, and in the female body is achieved by influencing the "lustful" desires in spite of its small concentration. However, and in this, your role does not end. Testosterone is the hormone responsible for the functions in the female body:
- increase of libido;
- the maintenance of the tonicity of the muscles and of the skin;
- to improve the functioning of the bone marrow;
- the maintenance of a state of mind;
- the development of the breast;
- the control of the mass of the body;
- the maintenance of power.

Any deviation from the norm are immediately perceived. If sex hormone in excess, the women are faced with the rapid growth of the hair. And here is the deficiency of testosterone can be the signal of the arrival of the menopause. Sexuality of the woman begins to fade little by little, it starts the process of aging that is characterized by increased dryness of the skin. Aggravated and the general state: receive weakness, apathy, appears irritability, worsening mood.
All the processes of rejuvenation in the body of the woman depend on the testosterone, increasing her sexuality. Therefore, its lack affects in first place the appearance and the general well-being. The dryness of the skin gradually leads to the appearance of wrinkles. In addition, the lack of the hormone is accompanied by such manifestations:
- decrease in sexual desire;
- the accumulation of the fat layer, especially in the abdominal area and on the hands;
- the pain in the joints.
The excess, in turn, filled with those consequences:
- the increase of the body mass;
- irregularity of the menstruation;
- the excessive growth of hair;
- hair loss, as well as the worsening of his general condition, including the excess fat;
- irritability;
- to prevent hardening of the voice.
In addition, the excess of the hormone can also increase the sexual desire, more precisely, to do their excessive.
Stabilize testosterone levels can not be used to the medication therapy. To do this, as a general rule, simply check your diet. You must include juices, vegetables, white bread, meat and honey. With a lower level of the hormone is you must consume foods that contain large amounts of zinc. It also increases the level of testosterone, the rich food useful fat:
- fatty fish;
- the vegetable oils;
- nuts.

Is hormone (fsh)
Fsh is the main substance that affect the formation of women and men in the sexual desire. As well as under the influence of fsh in women is the formation of the ovum, the formation of estrogens and the regulation of the sex glands.
The peak concentration of fsh says about the occurrence of ovulation. Abnormal increase can occur for the following reasons:
- neoplasms of the pituitary gland;
- uterine hemorrhages;
- the renal pathology.
When excessive abuse of alcohol fsh may also respond to its increase.
The lack of the hormone, in turn, increases the risk of violations of their reproductive functions. They are violations against the sexual system, the dysfunction of the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland, polycystic ovarian. The main symptom of the reduction of the hormone is the absence of menstruation for three months or more) or uterine hemorrhages, in relation to the menstrual cycle. And may also be present chronic of sexual pathology and of constant headaches.
That as to the excessive levels of fsh, features, in this case of rape, or the lack of menstruation, infectious diseases of the defeat of the nervous system and the contraction of sexual desire.
It follows from the foregoing that, for the maintenance of libido and the absence of problems of sexual life, women need on all outputs not to be afraid to visit the doctor and get tested for hormones. More that any violation hormone can easily wipe out up to that time, there have been more serious consequences.